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God Shri Krishna & Powerful Remedies for All Your's Problems

God Shri Krishna Ji & Powerful Remedies for all Troubles I bow to the Lord of All Yogi's , Yogeshwar Shri Krishna.  Shri Krishna Janmashtami is the Festival to celebrate Lord Krishna's birthday the eighth Avtar of Vishnu all over the world. Shri Krishna Janmashtami is observed on the Ashtami tithi (the eighth day of the dark half ors Krishna Paksha) in the month of Shraavana in the Hindu calendar. Krishna Janmashtami is marked by grand celebrations at Krishna temples across India. The Janmashtami of Mathura and Vrindavan, the places where Lord Krishna had spent his childhood, are famous all over the world. Lord Vishnu took the form of a man and incarnated on this earth as Sri Krishna. He took the human form to relieve humanity from evils. The Hindu epics are full of heroic acts of Sri Krishna. He is the author of Bhag...
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Raksha Bandhan ( रक्षा बंधन ) Festival of Protection and Care, Now become Subject of Discrimination or Losing its own true value

Topic :-  Raksha Bandhan ( रक्षा बंधन ) Festival of Protection and Care, Now become Subject of Discrimination or Losing its own true value.                                     R aksha Bandhan ( रक्षा बंधन ) is a festival mainly celebrated in India and other countries, where Hindu (religion) people are living. But nowadays other religion people [like Christians & Muslims (few of them)] are also celebrating Raksha Bandhan because this festival is mainly celebrated to express love, care and affection between one's brother & sister (bonding between brother and sister).                                  As name suggest, Raksha Bandhan is a holy band of protection. In this anyone who want a Divine protection for their loved ones, can tie a holy band made of fabric (like cotton, silk,...

Black Magic Protection and Removal

Om Ganeshaye Namah! काला जादू सत्य या मिथ्य तथा इससे बचाव एवं हटाने  के उपाय :- Is Black Magic Exist or Not ??? Tips for The Protection  & Removal of Black Magic :- Some people around the globe believes that black magic exist & some may not. It's up to you believe it or not. In my experience black magic exist and it gives bad luck,troubles,illness,family quarrel,tension, accidents, losses and makes once thought process negative & this leads you trap into depression. By the use of black magic, your's known or unknown enemy/enemies send negativity towards you and it will increase negativity within you & decreases positivity. Symptoms of Black Magic:- Black Magic is  a Negative energy which enter into the victim/target person's body & disrupts the proper working system of that person Mind and Soul. It is a bad energy which is transmitted to victim without his/her consent/permission. Black Magic victim...